If you’ve stumbled across Eastside Compounding purely by accident you may be wondering why people choose us over your standard pharmacy experience. 

With so many pharmacies out there, isn’t it easier just to use the closest or most convenient one? Perhaps it is easier. But at Eastside Compounding our focus isn’t on doing what’s easy. Our focus is on doing the very best for you and your family’s health.

So, what makes us different?

A personalised experience

At Eastside Compounding we offer a truly bespoke experience because we don’t believe striving for your health should feel clinical or impersonal. Is there anything more personal than your health? 

It’s easy to feel like a faceless number or a box to be checked in some “health” spaces. But not with us. When you walk through our doors you’ll feel at ease knowing that whatever concerns you may have, we’re here to listen to you and help you find a tailored solution that puts you on the path to wellness. We believe that getting to know you and your history is important to determine the cause of your symptoms and ultimately, relieve you of them.

While off-the-shelf pharmaceuticals work for the broad majority, they can’t answer individual concerns that vary person to person. So they may assist with certain health needs, but are they the absolute best option for your unique circumstances? Maybe not. 

Because we use our extensive knowledge of chemistry and pharmaceutical science to formulate our own compounds, we can create something that meets your own specific health needs. We can understand how different symptoms, medication and lifestyle approaches impact you, and make compositions that suit your unique situation.

A holistic understanding

Holistic health is a hot topic and potentially even a buzz phrase you hear thrown around the well-being space. But what does it actually mean

It is our strong belief that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to health. This ethos extends beyond our view on creating bespoke pharmaceuticals into our approach to well-being as a whole.

So often we see Western science pitted against Eastern medicine in a bid for who is the most ‘correct’ when it comes to health. We think this debate serves no one. Instead, our mission at Eastside Compounding is to utilise the best of these approaches in a way that suits the needs of each person. We’re always working to find a holistic approach by combining the best knowledge from all pockets of health wisdom across the world.

For you, this means perhaps chatting with our naturopath to uncover the origins of your health issues, and then working with our pharmacist to find a bespoke medicine that assists with your symptoms. It means that we understand that perhaps you choose to use acupuncture or Chinese herbs in combination with a Western medicine option, and what that could mean for your body overall.

Most of all it means we believe in what works for YOU. We don’t pass judgement and know that well-being is an individual experience; our job is to use our extensive industry knowledge to find what works.

An integrated approach

Integrated health is another popular phrase infiltrating the health space. It’s one we happen to absolutely love, but how does integrated health affect you?

If you’ve ever had a health issue you couldn’t quite get to the bottom of, you’ll probably have noticed the health industry can work in silos. Health experts regularly stay in their area of expertise, almost as if they have blinkers on to anything outside of their specialty. Because of this, they can often miss the bigger picture. At Eastside Compounding we know that each person is having a unique experience, influenced by many factors. We work to take as many of those into account as possible because it’s rare for anything in your body to happen in isolation. 

When it comes to your health, we want to work alongside your chosen health professionals to come up with solutions together and work toward your most optimum health. That means we’ll get to know your GP and discuss our understanding of your situation with them. It could also mean chatting with your hormone specialist, nutritionist or psychologist. We want to be on the team with whoever is influencing your health experience.

You are a unique puzzle, but all the pieces need to fit neatly together for you to feel the holistic level of health you’ve been searching for.

It’s really all about you  

At Eastside Compounding we want your experience to be all about you. We offer complimentary consultations as well as keeping your formulas on file so that you know we are always striving toward your best. 

It’s easy to say that we care about your health, but it’s another thing altogether to show you that we do. We hope to add to your overall well-being, with the knowledge that you have a passionate and educated team on your side.

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